Tag Archives: driving

missing the wind in my hair

I really, really miss going for long drives in the country in our 1971 Cutlass Supreme convertible. Normally, at this time of year, we’d be taking it out at least once a week to drive for an hour or more through the rolling hills and fields of Southern Indiana, stopping for ice cream in the twilight on the way home.

This summer we haven’t had the convertible out once.

It’s been partly because it’s needed a tuneup. But mostly the fault lies with gas prices: thanks to the old-style 8-cylinder 350 engine, driving our big red beauty now costs about 40 cents per mile.


just can’t wait to get on the road again

Tomorrow morning, we leave on a 4,000-mile road trip. Yeah, I know gas is $4/gal. But this is the summer for us to do this trip. We’re heading to the southwest, to see kinds of scenery that cornfields / trees / rivers people like us are definitely not used to.

We plan to post pictures along the way — once we’ve crossed the first 1,000 miles and come to something worth taking pictures of.
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I’m just speechless

Just now I was listening to a podcast of the April 27 edition of NPR’s Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! One of the questions used to try to stump the panelists revealed the existence of the newest in macho, “d’ya think he’s compensating for something?” accessories for a guy’s truck or SUV. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, they’re

https://i0.wp.com/www.trucknutz.com/graphics/rearview.jpghttps://i0.wp.com/www.trucknutz.com/graphics/nutzsmall.gifTruck Nutz!

From the site:

Are you sick of looking at side steps and bug shields? Want a REAL auto accessory? Want a site that offers Hot Chicks, Bad-Ass Rides, Free stuff, and the funniest accessory in the industry? Well you have come to the right place. Come on in and see what everyone is talking about.

Truck Nutz – The Ultimate Truck Accessoryâ„¢

Available in 10 colors, including, umm, flesh. 🙂 While you’re there, don’t forget to order some Bikerballz for your motorcycle!

taking the wheel

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:IFZ4WZlNj8lNiM:http://www.monkeyandfriends.com/items_images/1155256225_3001-Baby-CarKeys%2520copy.jpgToday my little girl drove herself to school.

Somehow, the bouncy 2-year-old with sunny auburn Shirley Temple curls has grown into a gorgeous 16-year-old. Yesterday we went to the BMV where she passed her written test with no problems, I handed over $14, and she got her driver’s license.

This morning, away she went. Our town’s Harvest Homecoming festival is going on now, so she won’t be home until 10:00 p.m. — and for the first time, we won’t have to go pick her up.

It seems as though she was just born, and now she’s taking the wheel of her own life.